Second Workshop – Summary and Results
On the second nexus Workshop participated: Fermesk Abdolrahman, Bilal Bulut, Aziz Capkurt, Hicran Demir, David Fischer, Frederike Baldin, Sevim Kesbir, Ferhat Keskin, Andreas Meidinger, and Gıyasettin Uçun, as workshop directors Mirza Metin and Frank Heuel and as an additional team, Annika Ley, Claudia Grönemeyer and Jennifer Merten supported the workshop. Translator was Nihat Mert.
In this second workshop, only practical work should be done. For this purpose, Mirza Metin chose a text that is available in German and Kurdish and also deals centrally with the topic of language resp. language prohibition. For the participants, the choice of text BERGSPRACHE / ZİMANÊ ÇİYA by Harold Pinter was well received. One of the actors, Bilal Bulut, knew the piece very well, having played it at a Kurdish theater for over two years. Also at the end of the workshop most participants emphasized that the choice of text for working under the title Heimat | Language was perfect.