Orhan Müstak

Orhan Müstak _ Foto Urban Ruths

* 1st June 1984 in Cizre, Turkey
Orhan Müstak lives since 1995 in Oldenburg.


Kurdish, Turkish, English, German

Orhan Müstak came in 1995 with his kurdish family, as an asylum seeker to germany and he already made his first acting experiences during his time at school in youth theatre ensembles. 2007 he started to study acting at the Academy of Music & Theatre in Rostock and graduated in 2011.

Since then, he took part in television productions and further is employed at theatres, like the Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, Volksbühne Basel, Theater Freiburg, Theater Dortmund, Volkstheater Rostock and Staatstheater Oldenburg. In 2018, he performs in the solo piece “Dreck” (eng. Dirt) at the Kulturbühne Bern and in the production of “Isabell” at the Volksbühne Basel. In 2019, he will perform at the Ohnsorg Theater in Hamburg.